"It's Like ADT - But For Your
Own Personal Safety."

A new non-lethal device that's smaller than an iPhone XS Max, with a Blinding Light, Pepper Spray, Recording Capabilities, 911 Alerts & Real-Time text alerts to family




Stay Safe Wherever You Go:
Designed To Deter Attackers In Seconds


In an attack, The Defender deploys 4 physical defenses & alerts designated contacts you're in trouble.


Blindside attackers with an intense light & loud siren, buying precious moments to escape unharmed.


Your Defender will not only instantly notify your contacts of an incident, but can also alert 911 in seconds.

Don't be a target.

With Artemis, you're prepared for anything.

The Defender Gives You 6+ Safety Defences In The Palm Of Your Hand


The Defender is a revolutionary safety device that's smaller than an iPhone XS Max with powerful safety features. Thi sincludes built-in motion sensors, video recording, pepper gel, blinding light & siren and automated 911 alert.

Developed by world-renowned Product Designer Dan Harden in partnership with former U.S. special operations personnel.

Waterproof, with months long battery capacity that does not require wifi for
on-the-go safety.

Exclusive Pre-Order Offer: Get Up to 40% Off

Pre-order The Defender for you & your family, with huge savings, for a limited time.

Buy 2, Get 20% OFF
Buy 3, Get 30% OFF
Buy 4, Get 40% OFF

(Discount applies at checkout)

Matte Black
Color selection available when ready to ship.

First Shipment: June 2024
(67% Reserved)

- +

Refundable Deposit

1 Year Limited Warranty

Delivery in 2024

Feel more safe, secure, and comfortable in your everyday life. Protect your family.

Feel more safe, secure, and comfortable in your everyday life. Protect your family.

Feel more safe, secure, and comfortable in your everyday life. Protect your family.

Feel more safe, secure, and comfortable in your everyday life. Protect your family.

Feel more safe, secure, and comfortable in your everyday life. Protect your family.

Feel more safe, secure, and comfortable in your everyday life. Protect your family.

Feel more safe, secure, and comfortable in your everyday life. Protect your family.

Feel more safe, secure, and comfortable in your everyday life. Protect your family.

Feel more safe, secure, and comfortable in your everyday life. Protect your family.

Feel more safe, secure, and comfortable in your everyday life. Protect your family.

Feel more safe, secure, and comfortable in your everyday life. Protect your family.

Feel more safe, secure, and comfortable in your everyday life. Protect your family.

Feel more safe, secure, and comfortable in your everyday life. Protect your family.

Feel more safe, secure, and comfortable in your everyday life. Protect your family.

Feel more safe, secure, and comfortable in your everyday life. Protect your family.

Feel more safe, secure, and comfortable in your everyday life. Protect your family.

Feel more safe, secure, and comfortable in your everyday life. Protect your family.

Feel more safe, secure, and comfortable in your everyday life. Protect your family.

Feel more safe, secure, and comfortable in your everyday life. Protect your family.

Feel more safe, secure, and comfortable in your everyday life. Protect your family.

Feel more safe, secure, and comfortable in your everyday life. Protect your family.

Feel more safe, secure, and comfortable in your everyday life. Protect your family.

Feel more safe, secure, and comfortable in your everyday life. Protect your family.

Timeline To Receiving Your Defender

March 2024

✅ First Hardware Protoype Complete!

April 2024

✅ App Development Complete!

NEXT: May 2024

Finalizing Hardware Production

June 2024

FIRST Shipment Date. Secure yours NOW to be part of the first Defender Shipment group (67% reserved already!)

Artemis is Superior to Every Other Safety Solution

Nothing like Artemis exists. Existing personal safety hardware products have not been improved upon since the 90’s.


Unlock The Power Of 6+ Defences With The Push Of A Button

physical defense


Featuring a blinding light,
debilitating pepper gel, ear piercing siren & incident recording.

physical defense

non-lethal pepper gel

In the case of an incident, press the trigger to shoot pepper gel
and sound the siren.

digital defense

artemis app

When triggered, real time notifications are sent to your designated contacts.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Artemis Defender lethal?

The Artemis Defender is not a lethal weapon. It is designed as a non-lethal self-defense tool with the purpose of ensuring personal safety. The Artemis Defender is equipped with various defense features, such as pepper spray gel, an emergency siren, and a built-in flashlight, all aimed at protecting the user from potential threats. It provides a means to deter and incapacitate attackers temporarily while offering the user the means to escape or seek help. The emphasis is on personal safety and protection without causing lethal harm.

How long is the battery life?

The battery life of the Artemis Defender is measured in months. Thanks to its energy-efficient design and advanced power management, the battery can last for an extended period before needing a recharge. This extended battery life ensures that the Artemis Defender remains reliable for your personal safety needs over an extended period, reducing the need for frequent recharging. Additionally, the Artemis app provides you with alerts when the device's battery is running low, ensuring that you're aware when it's time for a recharge, and you can always count on your Artemis Defender to be ready when you need it.

Why should I buy this instead of pepper spray or a gun?

The Artemis Defender offers a unique and compelling alternative to traditional self-defense options like pepper spray or firearms for several reasons. Unlike guns, the Artemis Defender is a non-lethal self-defense tool, designed to temporarily incapacitate attackers without causing fatal harm. This makes it a safer choice for personal protection, reducing the risk of unintended consequences or the need for extensive training (like firearms).

The Artemis Defender is also versatile - with additional features that offer multifunctional utility in various self-defense scenarios, providing you with more tools for personal protection i different situations.

Additionally, unlike guns (or just pepper spray alone) The Artemis Defender connects to a dedicated app that provides additional features such as emergency alerts to dedicated contacts when the Defender is triggered, location tracking and video recording of all incidents.

There is nothing like the Artemis Defender currently on the market. It is a next generation safety device that offers unparalleled physical and digital defense and protection.

How big is the device?

The Artemis Defender is approximately the same size as an iPhone XS Max, measuring approximately 5 inches in height.

When will I receive my product?

The Artemis Defender is set to release in 2024. Once you've placed your order, you can expect to receive continual updates on the release schedule to keep you informed about the delivery timeline.

How often should I expect updates on launch timeline?

You can expect to receive regular updates on the Artemis Defender's launch timeline. We understand the importance of keeping our customers well-informed, and we will provide updates as significant milestones are reached in the production and release process. We aim to keep you in the loop to ensure a transparent and seamless experience leading up to the product's launch in 2024. Your satisfaction and confidence in our product are our top priorities.